Venue Menu – Ohev Shalom’s 2023 Spring Fundraiser

Shabbat Dinner

Friday, March 31, 6pm

Host: Lori Feller and the Pollards.




Mahj, Munchies, & Merlot

Sunday, April 16, 1-4pm

Bring your 2022 and/or 2023 mah jongg card and join friends for an afternoon of mah jongg wine, and snacks. Please note this is not a class or a tournament. Sets will be provided, but feel free to bring your own.

Hosts: Bonnie Friedman & Amy Graham
Location: Ohev Shalom

Baking Rugelach with Phyllis

Sunday, April 23, 10 am–12 pm

Learn how to make rugelach, schmooze a while, then take a new apron and the rugelach to bake at home.

Host: Phyllis Schapire
Location: Ohev Shalom.

The Big Venbowski

Sunday, April 23, 7–10:30pm

A screening of “The Big Lebowski,” accompanied by bowling, trivia contests, adult beverages (make-your-own Caucasians, a good sarsa­parilla, & oat sodas), snacks, pizza, & prizes.

Host: Don Abramowitz
Location: Ohev Shalom

Havdalah, Fire Pit & Dessert

Saturday, April 29, 7pm

Hosts: Lila Slovak & Neil Wimmer.
Location:  Swarthmore


Sunday, April 30, 9–11 am

Host: Pamela Bradley.

Beginner friendly; chair yoga option; all levels welcome. Experience the joy of yoga with a focus on several branches of yoga including pranayama (breathing), asanas (yoga poses), and conclude with a beautiful guided meditation. Location: Ohev Shalom.


 Ohev Women in the Arts

Sunday, April 30, 1–4 pm


Come see & hear artists Abby Arana, Emily Farrell, Bonnie Friedman, Melissa Larigan, Kim Lent, Rabbi Miller, Allison Rovensky, Maddie Sheff, Eunice Silver, & Elsa Wachs. Then enjoy the singing of Janean Clare, Libby Cohen, Sharon Kotzen, Rebecca Reuben & Kathy Sarlson. Champagne & hors d’oeuvres. Hosts: Paula Cherner & Lisa Karlin. Location: Ohev Shalom.

Bike n’ Brunch

Sunday, May 7
9:30 am Biking
11:30 am Brunch

Biking near Ridley Creek State Park, then brunch at Joel & Vicky’s.
Hosts: Vicky Levin, Joel Fein, Amy & Andy Graham. Location:  Media. (Limit 15)

Shabbat Walk & Brunch

Saturday, May 13, 12–3 pm
Walk (Taylor Arboretum) and an old-fashioned Jewish Brunch.

Hosts: the Hoffmans.
Location: Harvey Road, Wallingford.


Poker Night

Saturday, May 13, 9 pm

Texas Hold-em Tournament, soft drinks, & snacks. Hosts: Michael Krauss & Steve Reuben. Location: Ohev Shalom.

Dance Party with DJ

Saturday, May 20, 8 pm

Drinks & snacks.
Hosts: Cathy Baum, Heather Cole, Kim Lent, & Shari Janovsky. Location: Ohev Shalom.

Piano Concert

Sunday, May 21, 1–4 pm

Piano Concert by Bruce Bogdanoff. Wine & hors d’oeuvres.
Host: Susan Cherner
Location: Newtown Square. (Limit 10)

Brunch on the Deck

Sunday, June 4, 11:30 am

Brunch on the Dickson deck: Host: Beverly Dickson. Location:  Wallingford. (Limit 10)

Scott Arboretum Stroll & Brunch

Sunday, June 11, 10 am–2 pm