I recently relocated to Wallingford and joined Ohev Shalom. In the past, I have belonged to Reform synagogues, but I feel very much at home at Ohev. I attend Friday night Shabbat services (via Zoom) and also Wednesday morning Bible Class. I’ve already met numerous congregants and they, along with Rabbi Gerber and Rabbi Miller, have helped me feel very comfortable.
The Cole Family
Being an interfaith couple and raising our daughters Jewish, it was important to us that we join a synagogue that welcomed the whole family equally. Ohev Shalom has been that synagogue for the past ten years. We have all felt comfortable and very much a part of this community. It was meaningful and special to participate in both of our daughters’ Bat Mitzvahs. We’ve all found lasting friendships within the Ohev community.
The Reuben Family
We feel so lucky to be part of the Ohev community. Our first experience at Ohev was attending High Holiday services; we were pleasantly surprised by the warm welcome we received, and knew that we would be joining the congregation. Growing up, our Jewish experience included both secular and ritual involvement, community, and connection, and we wanted to provide Minnie and Sam with similar opportunities. Ohev has become a central part of our Jewish experience, and we are glad to be here.
The Fein Family
We joined Ohev Shalom after our oldest son was born, and he was followed in rapid succession by 2 more. All three went through Hebrew School and Bar Mitzvah at Ohev, and also became very engaged in Camp Ramah in the Poconos. Both of us started with a fairly low level of engagement in the ritual aspects of Judaism; Ohev ushered us through in a comfortable, non-judgmental way that just seemed right.