Taking Action: Addressing Antisemitism in Our Schools


February 25, 2024    
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Please save the date, Sunday, February 25th at 2:00 PM right here at Ohev Shalom, for an important meeting for parents of Jewish children attending schools in Delaware County.

What we can do?

We represent a much stronger voice when we organize and work together with a clear strategy.  After speaking with representatives from the other three synagogues in Delaware County, we have decided to come together to discuss, organize, and make a coordinated push to address antisemitism in our area school districts.

Goals of the initial meeting:

  1. To give parents and students an opportunity for sharing experiences with one another to get a broader view of the problem.
  2. To acquaint parents and students with various reporting mechanisms that already exist.
  3. To encourage parents and students to file reports at the meeting itself, and to provide support and guidance in making these reports.
  4. To discuss possible next steps, in the event that more robust reporting does not result in meaningful action by the schools.

We are much more powerful together and we must work as a collective effort.